Ministry Resources

God Loves You

Girls and boys in many countries are studying these same lessons. So are many of their parents and older brothers and sisters. Why? Because they all like to read about these great men and women who lived long ago. And because it is fun to do the things that you are asked to do in each lesson. Most of all you will like these lessons because of what you will learn about God.

God Loves You | Lesson 5

God Cares How You Treat Others

Learn this about God:

God helps parents take care of their children. God knows how you feel toward others. God punishes those who treat others wrong. God wants you to be good to others.

These words are from the Bible. Read them aloud 5 times.

But Cain had words with his brother Abel . . . and killed him. Then the Lord asked Cain: “Where is your brother Abel?” Genesis 4:89 (BV)

Words for you to learn

  • An offering is something that people give to God.
  • sacrifice is a living thing given to God as an offering.
  • To bless is to do something good for a person.

To do as you read and study this lesson

Ask God to help you understand what you are reading. Think about the meaning of each underlined sentence.

God helps parents take care of their children.

Adam and Eve had many children. Their first son was Cain. Their second son was Abel. Cain and Abel were the first children, the first brothers in the world. Adam and Eve had to work hard to take care of their children. God helped them in their work.

They had to plant a garden. They took care of it and gathered the food to eat. They raised sheep and goats for milk and cheese and clothes. They taught all their children to work. And they taught them about God.

God knows how you feel toward others.

Cain gave an offering to God of food that he had grown. Abel gave God an offering too, a lamb to die for Abel’s sins. God loved both Cain and Abel. God showed them the way to come to Him. They should bring a sacrifice for sin just as Abel had done. God blessed Abel and forgave his sins.

Cain didn’t want to listen to God. Cain wanted to do things his own way. He was angry at God for blessing Abel. Cain was angry with Abel. God knew how Cain felt. God knew that if Cain stayed angry, he would do something bad. God talked with Cain and asked him, “Why are you angry?” But Cain would not listen to God. Cain hated his brother Abel.

God punishes those who treat others wrong.

Out in the field one day, Cain killed his brother Abel. That was a terrible sin. God saw what Cain had done. God had to punish Cain. God wouldn’t let Cain stay at home with his family. Cain and his wife went away to live by themselves. 25

God wants you to be good to others.

It is a sin to hate other people. This sin makes people want to hurt others. This sin makes them argue and fight and kill. Sin separates people from one another. Sin breaks up homes.

God wants to forgive our sins and to make us good. God wants to take away our bad feelings and give us love for one another. Then we will always be happy.

Do you ever get angry at other people? Do you ask God to take away the angry feelings? Do you want to get along better with others? Memorize this prayer.


O Lord, don’t let me be like Cain. Help me treat others as I should. Forgive my angry thoughts and words. And make me loving, kind, and good.

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