God Loves You | Lesson 11
God Sent His Lamb To Save You
Learn this about God:
God sent a lamb to save Isaac. God sent His Lamb to save you. You must accept God’s Lamb to be saved.
These words are from the Bible. Read them aloud 5 times.
Isaac said . . . “Here are the fi re and the wood; but where is the Iamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham answered, “My son, God will provide Himself the lamb.” Genesis 22:7, 8 (BV)
The next day John saw Jesus coming to him and said: “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29 (TEV)
Words for you to learn
- Sacrifice for sin means an animal or person that takes the punishment for the person who has done wrong.
- A burnt offering is a sacrifice that was killed and then burned on an altar.
- An altar is a place where a sacrifice was offered. Many altars were made of a heap of stones.
- Hell is a terrible place where people who sin (who don’t love and obey God) will live after they die.
To do as you read and study this lesson
Ask God to help you understand what you are reading. Think about the meaning of each underlined sentence.
God sent a lamb to save Isaac. One day God said to Abraham: “Take your son Isaac. Go to the mountain. Sacrifice Isaac to me.”
Abraham did not know why God told him to do this. Abraham did not know that God was testing his love. And God was going to teach Abraham and Isaac. God was going to teach us too about His sacrifice for sin.
Abraham went sadly up the mountain. Abraham loved Isaac. But Abraham was going to obey God. Isaac helped carry the wood. Isaac asked: “Where is the lamb for the burnt-offering?” Abraham answered: “God will provide Himself the lamb.”
Abraham and Isaac built an altar. Abraham put Isaac on the altar. Isaac was going to have to die.
But God loved Isaac too. God did not want Isaac to die. God had another sacrifice that would die in Isaac’s place.
Abraham lifted his knife to kill Isaac. But just then God called to Abraham from heaven. “Abraham! Stop! Don’t hurt your son! Now you have proved that you love me!”
Then God showed Abraham a sheep caught in the bushes. God had sent the sheep to take Isaac’s place. The sheep died on the altar. Isaac was free and could live.
God sent His Son Jesus to save you.
People who sin cannot go to heaven. When they die, they go to hell—a terrible place. We have all sinned and were going to hell. But God loved us and wanted to take us to heaven. God sent His Son Jesus to die in our place, as He sent the sheep to die in Isaac’s place. Jesus is the Lamb of God who died to take away the sins of the world. Afterwards He came back to life again. You can’t see Jesus, but He is right there. Jesus loves you and wants to help you. You must accept God’s Son to be saved. You don’t have to offer a sacrifice on an altar now.
You must just accept God’s Son as your sacrifice.
Jesus will be your Savior—the one who saves you. Jesus will take your sins away. Take Jesus as your Savior and you can go to heaven. Use this prayer. Then talk to God in your own words.
I now accept Your Son who died for me— A sacrifice to take my sins away. With Jesus as my Savior, now I’m free. I thank You, God, for saving me today.