Articles by: Sylvia Stewart

Does God Hear Me?
“Hold the string tight!” Jenny’s mom said as they got out of the car. “I will, Mama,” Jenny…

A Talking Donkey
“Dad, our Sunday school teacher told us a story in the Bible about a donkey that talked!” Shane…

The Company We Keep
On their way home from school, Brad and Tim stopped on the bridge, as they often did, hoping…

Who Is Our Savior? Part 2
“You gave me a lot to think about when we talked last week,” Brenda said to Tanya as…

Who Is Our Savior? Part 1
“I’ve always been taught that Jesus was a good man and that we can find our way to…

Three In One
‘Mom, a kid at school started an argument saying that Christians worship three gods,” Tina said, frowning. She…

Sarah’s Two Faces
‘Bye!” Sarah and Sandy said to each other as Sandy got in the car. Tears filled Sarah’s eyes,…

One Step Closer to Success
The “pop” of a ball striking a mitt filled the quiet summer afternoon as Dad and Matt threw…